Ballads are songs about love and the fundamental questions of life. One of my favorites is immortalized by Dionne Warwick, What’s It All About, Alfie? Written and composed by Burt Bacharach, the lyrics tell of a young lover asking the object of her love the purpose of life.
Are we to be givers or takers?
Kind or cruel?
What governs these decisions?
We’re told that, in the final analysis, it’s love that guides us.
Philanthropy is a word that’s used A LOT these days.
The word has a very simple meaning. Created from two Greek roots, it means—quite literally—“for the love of mankind”. For the love of humanity.
For us, here at The Eight Principles, this is precisely what we’re about.
Fostering that spirit where worthy organizations with noble missions through the partnership with philanthropic investors create a better place for their communities.
We see far too many nonprofits struggling financially. Needlessly.
Philanthropy is available in abundance. Despite what the pundits say.
We believe every organization can prosper and thrive when they’ve created a culture which embraces donors as partners in their ultimate success.
We’ve made it our mission to provide nonprofit leaders with the insights, knowledge, and skill to make financial uncertainty and struggle a thing of the past.
What we provide nonprofit leaders works. Period. For all types and sizes of nonprofits. Independent research demonstrates it conclusively.
The question to be answered is, Will it work for you?
Accept our invitation for a thoughtful conversation and, together, we’ll discover the answer for you.