Being Less Stupid

Let’s face it.  We’ve all made needless mistakes in our lives.  Mistakes and even outright failures can be building blocks for eventual success.  Whether they are constructive or destructive depends on the lessons we take from them.

Herein lies the difference between merely ignorant and uninitiated or outright stupid.  Stupidity is the quality of blithely ignoring what a situation is attempting to teach you.

When we’re a little less stupid, we open ourselves to opportunities and success that break boundaries and open new horizons.  I’m taking on the mantra of being less stupid in my contributions to The Eight Principles Community.

Here’s to making more mistakes and being a lot less stupid!

My Dad was a great one for taking “shortcuts” when driving.  Even though the time between point A and point B differed only slightly between the main route and the “shortcut”, my Dad was convinced he was way ahead—with less effort.

Lots of us think fundraising is like that.  And there is no dearth of con artists, all regaled in professional garb, that are only too willing to feed you that mindset.  You know the ones.  “Do this.”  “Say that.”  “Use this software.”  I call them the maestros of tips, three easy techniques and five sure-fire secrets.

The implication is that, somehow, you can short circuit the effort required to create a fundraising future that lasts and grows with just a few quick tricks.

It just doesn’t work that way.

There are natural laws which govern philanthropy.  We call them The Eight Principles®.  Work with them or against them.  You ain’t gonna change them.

My parting shot today is this:  successful fundraising is 90% thinking and 10% doing.  All the quick tips available will never overcome faulty thinking.

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