An Online Platform
to Grow Your Organization's Fundraising

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Get a Five-Step Plan to grow your fundraising through on-demand courses, member webinars and an exclusive community.

  1.  Watch the Courses

  2.  Execute Your Plan

  3.  Grow Your Fundraising

You're on a mission

But – the struggle to raise the funds to fulfill that mission never seems to end.

Trying to Grow Your Fundraising Sustainably is Overwhelming

. . . without a plan.

Revenue stalls (or worse) dips.

You guess instead of following proven principles.

You waste your time pursuing things that don't move the needle.

Leading to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed. We don’t want that for you.
The Eight Principles has helped hundreds of nonprofits. Our plan will work for you too.

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How Does Our Five Step Plan Work?

Five components of your fundraising program must be optimized and work seamlessly together.

Join The Eight Principles and and Create a Five Step Plan to Grow Your Fundraising

We Lead You Step By Step

1. Investors

First, learn

how donors think.

3. Your Supporters

Next, identify your

best supporters

2. Leadership

Then, align leadership

to your goals

4. Structure

Assemble your working


5. Your Plan

Execute your plan.

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When you optimize your fundraising program,  you’ll not only feel confident in your fundraising growth plan – you’ll actually enjoy fundraising.

Start transforming your fundraising today


First, Join The Eight Principles.

For just $275/year, you get access to our on-demand courses. Plus member-exclusive webinars, and our community of fundraisers, nonprofit leaders and coaches.

Second, Get a Plan.

Our on-demand courses and member-exclusive webinars give you a plan you can easily implement. You'll optimize the five key areas of your fundraising program.

Third, Watch Your Fundraising Grow.

With a proven plan, your confidence skyrockets and that feeling of being overwhelmed subsides.
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Larry C Johnson in workshop

Who’s Talking?

What Others Say About The Eight Principles®

Gives you framework, motivation and tools to lead donors to the mountain.

D.C. Dreger

Excellent tool for professional staff and board members.

R. Gregg

“What’s been missing in the non-profit world

S. DeChenne

A powerful presentation of what fundraising really is

K. Foster

Incredible resource—simple but not simplistic.

B. Wilson

Eliminated the longstanding fear of fundraising for my board members.

S. Robson

Amazing for either expert or the just curious.

S. Carver

Clarity, relevance, rigor, and smarts through a new and more helpful lens.

P. Drury

Your Eight Principles Membership Gives You Access To

All On-Demand Courses

Interactive Community of Fundraisers, Nonprofit Leaders & Coaches

Actionable Playbooks and Templates

Member-Exclusive Webinars

The Five-Step Fundraising Plan

3 Day Free Trial

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Easy to Navigate Platform
Totally Mobile Adaptive--Access On Any Device

Use on desktop, laptop, pad or phone. Screen shot below shows both navigation and learning window.

What are you waiting for?

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Rid yourself of anxiety and uncertainty in your fundraising.